三十週年堂慶 (30th Anniversary Celebration)
今年11月19日,三藩市播道會將慶祝三十周年堂慶。為了記念這個主賜的日子,我們的堂慶主題定為『異象,使命,行動,更上一層樓』。今年我們將會擬定一連串活動,記念三十年來,靠主恩得以在華埠敬拜讚頌,傳揚福音! 請參閱教會報告,我們的臉書網頁及電腦網頁上提供的即時資訊及圖片,期盼人人能夠踴躍參與!
We are praising God for 30 years as a church family!
On November 19th of this year, SFEFC will celebrate its 30th church anniversary. Our theme for this glorious event is “Vision, Mission, Action – Onto Higher Ground”. SFEFC is planning a series of celebratory events to mark this momentous occasion, 30 years of praising the Lord and Worship! Check your bulletin, our Facebook Page and the website for updated information and photos. We look forward for everyone to actively participate!
January 成立委員會 Planning Committee Formed
March SFEFC30 Facebook 版面 設立 Facebook Webpage Launched
April 復活節福音主日 Easter Gospel Meeting
May 7 拍照日 First Photo Session
May 14 母親節福音主日 Mother’s Day Gospel Meeting
May 21 拍照日 Second Photo Session
July 6-10 夏令福音營 Summer Retreat
Aug 12 異鄉鄰舍情三十 August Outreach Event
Aug 13 異鄉鄰舍情三十福音主日 August Outreach Gospel Service
Nov 19 堂慶特刊出版 Album publication
Nov 19 三十週年堂慶! 30th Anniversary Celebration!
調寄:破陣子 (一)
四十九里山河 (三)
鳯閣籠樓連都板 (四)
玉樹瓊枝遍呵羅 (五)
最是倉皇辭舊日 (六)
教友猶唱別離歌 (七)
垂涙對 So Sir ! (八)
“Praising God for 30 years of faithfulness to the congregation and the community of Chinatown. Looking forward to all that God has in store for our future.”
Pastor Chris Otani
異鄉鄰舍情即將在8月12日舉行! 由今個星期五開始,你會見到我們的廣告在KTSF26台播出! 請大家踴躍支持,將消息傳開去!
Our August outreach community event at SFEFC is coming very soon! Please feel free to share this video advertisement to your friends and family about this awesome two-days event! This video will also be broadcasted on KTSF Channel 26 starting on July 28th!
堂慶主題曲 Anniversary Theme Song
Facing a Task Unfinished Lyrics
It was written by Bishop Houghton, the Director of the China Inland Mission, in 1930s. 1930s is a very critical period to both China and the Chinese Church.
In 1931, Japanese invaded Manchuria known as the 918 episode.
In1931-1935, it was the civil war between the Communist and the Nationalist.
In 1937, the Japanese used the Marco Polo Bridge incident to start the Sino-Japanese War.
The Chinese Church suffered a lot in these years. The Anti-Christian movement in the 1920s lingered on resulting the Great Evacuation. 1/3 of the missionaries withdrew. but paradoxically, this is also a period of revival. The CIM increased by leaps and bounds though many missionaries were murdered. Dr. John Song and the Bethel Band preached the Gospel and had great impact on the entire Church. It is within such a context that this song was written. It is a very touching song.
San Francisco Evangelical Free Church has been blessed to provide a spiritual home and faith community for the San Francisco Chinatown neighbor since 1987. Our presence in the community supports the church’s mission: to evangelize the Chinese community in San Francisco, to establish the believers as the disciples of Christ, to equip the disciples as servants of God, and the ultimate goal is to glorify God.
Over the coming year, SFEFC will celebrate the 30th anniversary through a number of activities. We want to make the 30th anniversary a memorable tribute, to remind us what our founding missions are, and may God continue to use us to glorify His Name in the Chinatown community!
-Anniversary Planning Committee
如有回應或分享事項,請投稿電郵到 sfefc30@gmail.com
If you have any feedback or sharing thoughts, please submit your testimonials to sfefc30@gmail.com
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”- Isaiah 52:7 NIV
那報佳音,傳平安, 報好信,傳救恩的, 對 錫安 說:你的神作王了! 這人的腳登山何等佳美!- 以賽亞書 52:7 CUNP-神
Teams following His footsteps :
Reverend Wing So, Pastor Stephen Mak, Reverend Chris Otani
Planning Committee
Judy Choy, Stephen Co, Clark Ho, Roger Lo
Promotion Team
Jimmy Chan, Sandy Lee, Pollyana Leung, Jimmy Liu, Kenny Wong, Ricky Wong
異鄉鄰舍情三十 Fellowships
Evergreen 常茂團契, Saturday Night BS 星期六半島查經班, Adult 成人團契, YAF 在職青年團契, Honor Him, Goodness 良善少年團, Grace 恩典少年團, Join Joy 頌恩團契, BS (Annie & Sherman’s Group), English 英文部, Small Groups (Doris’ , Nelson’s and Leo’s Group)
CCU Basket Ball Design Team
Judy Choy, Sandy Lee, and Children Sunday School